Language Learning Products
Languages Made Easy product range is under regular review. We have an extensive range of products to help prepare you better for teaching year by year. Go to our News page for previews of other products we’re working on. Click below for summaries of our current language products. Download the latest Languages Made Easy catalogue here.
All Languages Made Easy products are available in eight languages. Current language editions are in Chinese (Mandarin), French, German, Modern Greek, Indonesian (Bahasa), Italian, Japanese and Spanish. Some products are also available in English to help students requiring English as a Second Language (ESL) and Special Needs support. Let us know if you require products in other languages - if there is sufficient demand we will consider adding your language to the product list and we will let you know when it is ready.
Not sure if Languages Made Easy is for you? Our products are being used in thousands of schools across Australia and New Zealand and in international schools in Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia and in the UK and Europe.
Samples of our language products can be downloaded freely. Click on the flags to choose your language. Then select the items you want to sample. Print or save to your computer and review at your leisure. Samples are PDF or MP3 files under 500KB and they should all download quickly at ADSL speeds. Contact us if you require hard copies and we will post them to you.
Chinese |
English |
French |
German |
Greek |
Indonesian |
Italian |
Japanese |
Spanish |
What the kids Say
Learning a language is cultural. I feel it is good to know a second language. It is fun learning because it is taught
in more ways than one.
Year 5
I want to travel the world so I'll need a basic knowledge of the language.
Year 5
I have felt involved and really enjoy playing all the games.
Year 6 |
The Adventures of Alexandra – CD Stories
Four animated stories featuring our animated leading lady, Alexandra the young rabbit. Developed in conjunction with Wizzmedia, these stories are a must for all ages. Featuring:
- 8 language editions, each also in English
- Captivating animations for younger learners and story lines kids can relate to
- A Painting for Daddy, I'm Bored, Getting Dressed and My Picnic
- Consolidation of sentence structures and concepts including colours, clothes, animals and food
- Student follow up activities and worksheets - download for FREE or buy hard copies
- Compatible for Mac or PC systems
- Great for LOTE or ESL requirements. NB For ESL, since you always get an English version, you get a 2nd language for FREE. Pick another language suitable for your ESL group.
The Adventures of Alexandra - Preview Samples
Our samples are available to view any time. Click here to see how the CDs work (English version), or just click on the relevant flag for samples for that language.
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LOTE at a Moment's Notice
This one book is jam packed with creative ideas that will help bring your language or ESL class to life. There's 24 themes,148 photocopiable pages and 350 illustrations that will ease your teaching burden and assist the kids to enjoy their classes too. This resource is for you if you've ever found:
- yourself short on ideas to make learning fun,
- you're asked to substitute and need resources right now,
- you lack the artistic ability to go beyond stick figures,
- you have one of "those" days, but you still can't afford to drop your professional guard,
- you just want to jazz up your lessons and classroom using ideas that work.
All the ideas and tools in this language resource book have been field tested in the classroom, so you'll know they work.You can get this invaluable book in 9 languages (ie our 8 popular languages plus English for English as Second Language (ESL)/Special Needs). You'll also get a free CD ROM with all the images from LOTE at a Moment's Notice, so you can use them any way you like. Of course, we asked Greg Clift to produce the great illustrations and he's come up trumps again.
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Practical Program Books
Languages Made Easy practical program books provide a complete Kindergarten to Year 6 curriculum for Australian and New
Zealand language teachers and home schooling parents.
There are three teacher's language books in the complete primary set:
Years K-1-2;
Years 3-4;
Years 5-6.
Each year level comprises 40 lessons with all the basic vocabulary required. For example, K-1-2 has 120 lessons;
3-4 has 80 lessons; and 5-6 has 80 lessons.
Authentic pronunciation guides are available for the vocabulary in the practical books on CD, if required. MP3 audio
samples are available from the download page. These files match the lessons you can download from this site.
You require no expensive resources. Teachers can make their own, simply and cheaply, using common items like markers,
cardboard, scissors, glue and magazine cutouts. Everything necessary is clearly listed in each lesson.
Planning and programming is easy with the Languages Made Easy practical programs. Every lesson is mapped out in
an easy to follow style. The Sequence Charts for each year level provide teachers with a guide to implementing themes and
concepts over a given period in a mainstream class. We've made it even easier, by profiling each lesson's outcomes against
the National Curriculum Guidelines for LOTE. Download profiles at no charge.
Stay within your school's budget. With Languages Made Easy you also get languages made affordable, because you only
have to buy what you need. If you only teach Kindergarten - Year 2, you only have to buy that one book. We have designed
the audio component along the same lines. If your school decides to progress the language through middle or upper primary
at a later date, you can decide to buy the other books (or CDs) then. Of course, you can always get the complete kit and
save with a bulk buy.
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Practical Program Audio CDs
The Languages Made Easy CD kits are the ideal companion to the Program Books.
The CDs are great for teachers without a strong background in the language they are teaching, or for those who cannot
demonstrate authentic pronunciation. Mainstream teachers can continue with lessons when LOTE teachers are absent.
Use CDs to establish a library listening post - they are a very good source of consolidation for student learning
outside the LOTE classroom. The CDs will help with integrating a language into the mainstream classroom. Male and female
native speakers have been used to reproduce all the vocabulary in the Practical Program Books. And the pace is slow enough
for anyone to follow.
User friendly and inexpensive resources. The tracks relate directly to the Practical Program Book lesson numbers,
making it easy for teachers to give students a pronunciation guide for the vocabulary covered in their lessons. Like the
Languages Made Easy Program Books, you need only buy the CD kits you require (K-2, Years 3-4 or 5-6), saving money that
you can spend on other resources you want now. The CDs are the same low price as the Practical Program.
Click a flag to go to your language download page and save the MP3 file to you computer. Please download the Practical
Program sample first so you can see how the two products work with each other.
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Blackline Masters
This is the LOTE resource you need next - especially if you already have the Practical Program books. Languages Made Easy
Blackline Master books are the same low price as our practical program for primary language students. They are presented
in the same budget-saving three book format:
Years K-1-2;
Years 3-4;
Years 5-6.
Each year level comprises 25 blackline masters, with lots of fun activities and games to help keep young language learners
interested in classwork. These blackline master worksheets help with students' language consolidation and are an excellent
resource for early finishers. That's why the books are so very popular with LOTE teachers.
Read feedback from our customers or click a flag to get your own samples.
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LOTE Is Here!
English Guide for Blackline Masters
An invaluable resource if you are not a LOTE expert but want to keep ahead of the class. Especially
useful for Japanese and Chinese word searches when you’ve been thrown in at the deep end. This is the roadmap
to the Languages Made Easy Blackline Masters series for our eight popular languages, in one easy-to-use book.
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Cultural Posters
Help integrate culture with language learning. The Languages Made Easy map and flag posters have been developed with this
aim in mind.
Poster Sized maps and flags in stock. For each of our eight languages other than English, we have designed two large
(A1 - sized (600mm x 900mm/24" x 35")) posters, providing an animated, mono colour map of the country and a national
flag in full colour. The maps were illustrated by Greg Clift, so you know they are good quality. Not sure if the maps will
meet your needs? We used the maps to form the covers of our Blackline Masters. Click on the flag links above and download
the samples. You'll soon see.
Posters are available on thick sheen paper. Flag and map posters are off the shelf, so delivery will be quite prompt.
If you want your posters to last and last then laminations are the way to go. This also gives you lots more flexibility
with lessons - use removable white board markers to write on, then wipe off. Ask the students to find locations of interest
on the map, mark travels to and through their country of interest, then start again with the next class. You will find larger
copy shops able to laminate poster for around $10. The posters are at clearance prices, so every school should be able to
afford them.
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Classroom Card Games
5 popular classroom card games - in our eight standard languages, plus English, to help with support for ESL and Special
Needs. The Games are fun for students and useful for consolidation of vocab. Another tool to keep the early finishers occupied,
without disrupting the rest of the class.
Games available in traditional hard copy or downloadable versions. Save money and download them. Save effort and get them
posted to your classroom. It's entirely up to you. You can save a lot with the download versions - no postage and handling
Support for community languages too. We want to help even if your school doesn't teach one of our eight languages. We can
also provide generic games, where YOU insert your own language text to match the illustration/colour as required. The card
games are laminated and they can easily be written on using permanent markers. Of course you would need to be careful and
to be competent with the language. When placing your order please insert GENERIC in the language field.
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